Monday, November 30, 2015

caPRICE classic

I don't know why I chose this as my first story to tell on here, but it's a story worth telling so here it goes...

My husband loves weird cars. My husband loves old cars. Over the summer my truck had some issues that put it out of commission for a few weeks. Josh began searching online auctions for a back up car. One day during that time period I was driving through Lynden and passed the bus barn and see this out in their parking lot....

The moment I saw it, I KNEW! I knew they were going to put it up for sale on and my husband would see it and buy it and I would be stuck with it  have the pleasure of owning it.

A few days went by and this conversation happened while out for a drive:

J: "Babe, I found the perfect car for us"
Me: "Let me guess, a station wagon"
J: "ya... how'd you know... you won't guess what kind"
Me: "caprice classic?"
J: "you'll never guess what color"
Me: "it's baby blue isn't it"

At this point he thought I had been snooping in his emails or something, but I hadn't I just know the man that well! LOL

Picking up the wagon

Josh bid on it and went back and forth with a guy for a bit and ended up winning it, but it had to be picked up during school hours. So I got the pleasure of doing that with a little help from my parents who watched the kids. 

so much leg room
After a tune up it was ready for the road. It's had a few hiccups here and there and I got a crash course in vehicle towing, but it's been a fun ride for Josh and the kids on the weekends.

Going to church "no pictures Mom!"
Even though it looks old it's actually a 1989, so it has some modern options like power windows and such. The 3rd row seat in the trunk makes everyone we pass smile and remember their childhoods.

Sending him off on his campout
 He even took it up a mountain on his Price Brothers Campout! I have to say it has been kinda nice having it, but I'm not giving up my Excursion!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

I'm Back!!!

Get out the kettle drums and queue up the theme song from 2001: A Space Odyssey, I have returned to blogging!  After my brief  (ok long) hiatus from my old blog, I've decided to start anew here at the Little House with Wifi. That decision was made for multiple reasons, but mostly because having a blog with yours and your husband's full name lacks a bit of anonymity and I was a bit disheartened by the fact that most of my viewers were from far off countries that I have no connections to whatsoever. So, going forward I hope to continue sharing our adventures in life, as well as some product reviews, recipes and my random ramblings. Oh, and lots of cute baby pics of our newest addition JH! Our new blog name comes from a joke I make when people tell me that our family reminds them of the series Little House on the Prairie. I always reply, "yes, but we have wifi". Enjoy these screen shots of our last few months over on Instagram and click the "follow" tab to keep up with us... hopefully I will be a bit more consistent and not forget about my blog for over a year again. :-)